Donations are essential to the mission of Camp Rivercrest! They help us maintain and improve our current property while allowing us to dream in big ways for the future.



You can quickly make donations of any amount by clicking on the link above. Make a one time gift or recurring donation. All online donations will receive a receipt via email.



Please write in the memo: General Operations, Even More Campaign, Camper Financial Assistance, Capital Improvements.



We love volunteers! It takes many hours to keep camp grounds maintained, safe and beautiful. We have projects large and small, so grab your gloves and contact our Property Manager, Ben Adler, to see where you can jump in to help!


Wills, Assets & More

There are many creative ways to give to Camp Rivercrest! You can read through them here or contact our Executive Director, Andy Dykhouse to learn more.


Give Stocks

You can give stock through our endowment fund at Bridges Trust. Email Andy Dykhouse for further instructions.

Camp Rivercrest Development Policy

It is the policy of Camp Rivercrest to honestly and accurately share with interested friends the challenges and opportunities we face in our ministry. We share our needs and potential solutions so stakeholders can consider partnering with us through prayer and/or financial support as the Lord leads and enables. We believe motivation for joyful giving comes as God moves the hearts of people. Our role is to inform and provide opportunity without imposing undue obligation or pressure. Camp Rivercrest belongs to the Christian and Missionary Alliance denomination (The Alliance) and we are members of the Christian Camp and Conference Association (CCCA).

To know more about our Theology of Development, click here